Posts Tagged ‘Justin Ling’


“Pop Life” returns with all new shows on October 3, 2020, 8:30 pm on CTV NewsChannel, midnight on CTV. The first  show of season seven is an in-depth look at the popularity of true crime stories. We begin with an interview with journalist Justin Ling, author of “Missing from the Village: The Story of Serial Killer Bruce McArthur, the Search for Justice, and the System That Failed Toronto’s Queer Community” which documents the tragic and resonant story of the disappearance of eight men–the victims of serial killer Bruce McArthur–from Toronto’s queer community. Then the “Pop Life” panel, journalist Kevin Donovan author of “Billionaire Murders,” Kristi Lee, host of CDN true crime podcast “Canadian True Crime” and Michael Arntfield, a former detective/ writer, producer, and consultant for the true crime series “To Catch a Killer.”

Watch the the whole thing HERE!

Film critic and pop culture historian Richard Crouse shares a toast with celebrity guests and entertainment pundits every week on CTV News Channel’s talk show POP LIFE.

Featuring in-depth discussion and debate on pop culture and modern life, POP LIFE features sit-down interviews with celebrities from across the entertainment world, including rock legends Sting and Bob Geldof, musicians Josh Groban and Sarah Brightman, comedian Ken Jeong, writer Fran Lebowitz, superstar jazz musician Diana Krall, stand-up comedian and CNN host W. Kamau Bell, actors Danny DeVito and Jay Baruchel, celebrity chefs Bobby Flay and Nigella Lawson, and many more.