Posts Tagged ‘Tatiana Maslany’

Canadian films and jury members At the Cannes Film Festival

Screen Shot 2016-05-11 at 9.22.54 AMRichard talks Cannes and Xavier Dolan with the Canadian Press.

“I think he’s got probably a pretty good shot certainly at being taken seriously as a contender, even thought he’s up against the who’s who of international filmmakers like Ken Loach, Pedro Almodovar, Paul Verhoeven, Sean Penn,” says Toronto-based film reviewer Richard Crouse.

“There are a lot of people here that are working at a very high level, but I’d suggest that Xavier Dolan is working at just as high a level.”

Read the whole thing HERE!

Richard hosted a Q&A with “Women in Gold” director Simon Curtis

Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 10.07.38 AMOn Thursday March 26, 2015 Richard hosted a Q&A with “Women in Gold” director Simon “My Week with Marilyn” director Simon Curtis. The two discussed Curtis as Helen Mirren’s tea boy, working with Ryan Reynolds and much more. Next week read Richard’s Metro interview with Curtis in the Friday edition of the paper.

Here’s some info on the movie from IMDB: Maria Altmann, an octogenarian Jewish refugee, takes on the government to recover artwork she believes rightfully belongs to her family.


Richard hosted the press room at the Canadian Screen Awards 2015!

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 5.17.05 PM

Richard hosted the press room at the 2015 Canadian Screen Awards, interviewing all the winners, including Xavier Dolan, Tatiana Maslany (see clip above), “Call Me Fitz” star Joanna Cassidy (Read about her and “Blade Runner” HERE!), Don McKellar, “Mommy” star Anne Dorval, 19-2 star Jared Keeso, Best News Anchor for CTV National News winner Lisa LaFlamme and host Andrea Martin. (Thanks to Mr. Will Wong for the photo!)



(Thanks to Mr. Will Wong for the photo!)

Metro In Focus: A Backstage peak at the Canadian Screen Awards

Screen Shot 2015-02-27 at 12.50.24 AMBy Richard Crouse – Metro In Focus

Everybody knows what happens on stage at a big show like this Sunday’s Canadian Screen Awards. A host sings, dances and/or tells jokes, glamorous presenters tear open envelopes and announce award winners who thank everyone from managers to spouses to Jesus. There’s the slapping of backs, bespoke tuxedos and flowing gowns and tears.

Add in some drama, a red carpet and you have the ingredients of a big awards show, but what happens backstage?

Lots, as it turns out. Every year at the Canadian Screen Awards there’s a whole other show that happens offstage in the pressroom. Located deep in the bowels of the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts it’s my domain during the live broadcast. Every year I host the room, interviewing the winners as they come off stage in front of an “audience” made up of local and national reporters there for the free food and access to the celebs. I am the purveyor of sound bites, the compère to the press who take the interviews I do and turn them into stories for the next day’s papers and newscasts.

Over the years Elvis Costello, Tatiana Maslany, William Shatner and many others have passed through, tossing out bon mots like they were candy. Jay Baruchel let it slip he was engaged to Alison Pill on our small stage. Viggo Mortensen proudly waved the Montreal Canadiens flag in the face of a roomful of Leafs fans and Jill Hennessey gushed about the Canadian Screen Awards gift bag, thanking the Academy for the Norman Jewison Maple Syrup.

It’s an easy gig for me. Everyone who comes down from the main stage is a winner, automatically in a good mood and ready to have some fun.

When Lifetime Achievement Award winner David Cronenberg was asked where the inspiration for his movies came from he took a moment to examine the assembled crowd of journalists before deadpanning, “Just standing here is giving me all kinds of ideas for horror films.”

Call Me Fitz star Tracy Dawson picked up a CSA for Best Actress but later told me that awards don’t guarantee work. She won a Gemini in 2011 for playing Meghan Fitzpatrick on the show and thought she had it made. Then her phone didn’t ring for ten months. In the pressroom she joked that she wanted to be clear—she was looking for work. “I’m totally available,” she laughed.

It’s a different show downstairs, less glitzy and more relaxed.

This year Andrea Martin is taking over hosting duties from fellow-SCTVer Martin Short but I’ll never forget last year how Short tore up the pressroom, still jacked up from hosting the show. He was hilarious when I asked if he’d try and top his spectacular flying entrance next year. “I can only fly so many times,” he said. “That harness chafes.”