Posts Tagged ‘Murray Melvin’


From the Facebook page Free Ken Russell’s The DevilsTo answer another question many people have asked; yes, there WILL be a petition to sign. As this campaign is in its early days, I’m still working out the details, but keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime; SHARE, TWEET, BLOG, COMMENT and WRITE. Go to Twitter and tweet #FreeTheDevils

Read Guillermo Del Toro’s fiery plea for this hard-to-see masterpiece’s release on Blu Ray and DVD HERE.

Read about Richard’s book “Raising Hell: Ken Russell and the Unmaking of The Devils” HERE! Buy it HERE!



Georgina Hale with a copy of Raising Hell: Ken Russell and the Unmaking of The Devils

1002220_10151882775790988_1450215025_nCourtesy of Lisi Tribble!

“Major minor miracle: Murray Melvin (DEVILS, BOY FRIEND, DIARY OF A NOBODY, TASTE OF HONEY), Georgina Hale (MAHLER, DEVILS, BOY FRIEND, LIZSTOMANIA), Scott Antony – who played the unforgettable lead as sculptor Henri Gaudier-Brzeska in SAVAGE MESSIAH, Iain Fisher (SAVAGE MESSIAH website) at the BFI’s screening of Unkle Ken Russell’s masterpiece about the creative process, SAVAGE MESSIAH, set design by Derek Jarman, 9 February, 2014. Sam Ashby of Joe Magazine gave a wonderful introduction to the film, reading out of Jarman’s diaries about Ken.”

Look closely and you’ll see a copy of my book Raising Hell: Ken Russell and the Unmaking of The Devils nestled in Georgina Hale’s arms! She played Phillippe in the film!

Murray Melvin is Raising hell in London, England!

tumblr_mddl76vyB91rh7fyyo1_500Murray Melvin is Raising hell in London, England!

Murray Melvin, who played Father Mignon in “The Devils” after November 9, 2012 screening of the film in London, carrying his copy of Richard Crouse’s book “Raising Hell: Ken Russell and The Unmaking of The Devils.”


Photos by Lisi Russell