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Celebrating 40 amazing Years of ECW Press with a new anthology

IMG_2503Proud and pleased to be part of the ECW Press 40th anniversary anthology alongside other authors Tony Burgess, Corey Redekop, Robert Priest and even Neil Peart!

It’s been eleven years since ECW published The 100 Best Movies You’ve Never Seen and next year they’re releasing my next book Elvis Is King. Along the way we have done several other books, including Raising Hell: Ken Russell and the Unmaking of The Devils.

It’s been a fun ride and I’d like to thank Jack David, David Caron, Jen Hale, Crissy Calhoun, Jen Knoch, Sarah Dunn, Jenna Illies, Athmika Punja, Erin Creasey and everyone at ECW. Here’s hoping we’re still making books 40 years from now!

















10734262_10153355578901164_8762493623688460054_nFrom ECW Press

Richard found a copy of his book, Raising Hell, among the samples we brought for everyone to check out (and take home!).

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