Posts Tagged ‘Star Wars’


The story behind Roger Christian’s realization of the Star Wars “used universe” has been a great missing chapter in the history of the Star Wars saga -until now. Christian’s new feature-length documentary Galaxy Built on Hope gives us all the details in Roger’s own words, a feast of exciting new stories for fans and film historians alike.

Richard appears in the film interviewing Roger about the eraly days of the design for the classic film.

Find out more HERE and follow on social media @galaxybuiltonhope on IG, FB, Twitter and check out the trailer on Youtube! Read more HERE!

Galaxy Built on Hope with Roger Christian Coming Soon to BluRay

The story behind Roger Christian’s realization of the Star Wars “used universe” has been a great missing chapter in the history of the Star Wars saga -until now. Christian’s new feature-length documentary Galaxy Built on Hope gives us all the details in Roger’s own words, a feast of exciting new stories for fans and film historians alike.

Richard appears in the film interviewing Roger about the eraly days of the design for the classic film.


Find out more HERE and follow on social media @galaxybuiltonhope on IG, FB, Twitter and check out the trailer on Youtube!

NewsTalk 1010: host John Moore and Richard discuss the passing of Peter Mayhew.

NewsTalk 1010 morning host John Moore and Richard discuss the passing of Chewbacca portrayer Peter Mayhew. “Peter Mayhew was a kind and gentle man, possessed of great dignity and noble character. These aspects of his own personality, plus his wit and grace, he brought to Chewbacca. We were partners in film and friends in life for over 30 years and I loved him. He invested his soul in the character and brought great pleasure to the Star Wars audience,” Harrison Ford said in a statement.

Listen to the whole thing HERE!