Posts Tagged ‘Sasquatch Sunset’


As you may or may not know, when I’m not here talking to you on my show, I can be seen on the CTVNewsChannel and loads of other places talking about movies. I saw almost three hundred movies this year, wrote reviews for two hundred of those and there were high highs and the very lowest of lows.

I rate my movies on a scale of 10 to 5 stars. I never a full 5 stars because nothing is perfect, but this year there were several 4 ½ star movies. The lowest rating I have ever given was “Minus Infinity x 10” for a movie whose name I will never mention again.

Most movies fall into the 3 to 3 ½ star category, but there is a fairly wide range. Ten percent of the movies I see every year are terrible, ten percent are great but 80 percent fall into that mushy middle. Good to almost great.

I don’t care about the box office. I love it when a movie makes a lot of money because it means the industry is healthy and people are supporting theatres, and that’s a good thing, but just because a movie makes bank doesn’t mean it is a good movie.

Every now and again, though, there are movies that, for whatever reason, are great, but don’t connect with audiences. There have been a few of those this year, and for every movie that took a well-deserved dive, like “Joker: Folie a Deux” or “Borderlands” there were others that should have found an audience. On this show I’ll tell you about those movies!

Listen to the whole thing HERE!

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Each week on the nationally syndicated Richard Crouse Show, Canada’s most recognized movie critic brings together some of the most interesting and opinionated people from the movies, television and music to put a fresh spin on news from the world of lifestyle and pop-culture. Tune into this show to hear in-depth interviews with actors and directors, to find out what’s going on behind the scenes of your favourite shows and movies and get a new take on current trends. Recent guests include Chris Pratt, Elvis Costello, Baz Luhrmann, Martin Freeman, David Cronenberg, Mayim Bialik, The Kids in the Hall and many more!

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SASQUATCH SUNSET: UNRATABLE. “making a Bigfoot movie this odd is no small feat.”

Rare is the movie that can ride the line between scatological and sublime, absurdist and acute.  The deeply weird “Sasquatch Sunset,” starring Riley Keough and Jesse Eisenberg, is that movie. A portrait of how a Sasquatch tribe reacts to the encroaching modern world, it plays like “Quest for Fire” with poop jokes.

The movie follows a family of Sasquatches, the mythical human-like creatures played by Eisenberg, Keough, Nathan Zellner and Christophe Zajac-Denec, foe a year as they navigate life deep in a Pacific Northwest forest. It’s a slice-of-life look at them getting it on Bigfoot-style, foraging for food, throwing feces at crows as they eat the corpse of one of their friends, and making art out of twigs. Oh, and there’s grunting. Lots of grunting. And a pooping montage.

Narrator-less and dialogue free, the first part of “Sasquatch Sunset” feels like a nature documentary that focusses on Bigfoot mating and bathroom habits. It wanders, seemingly pointlessly and is sophomoric fun for a time, but just as the novelty of seeing movie stars draped in Sasquatch pelts begins to wear thin, directors David and Nathan Zellner turn up the sincerity.

When the family comes across a campsite, the modern world makes itself known. A boom box blares the Erasure song “Love to Hate You” as they learn the poignant message that they are not alone in the world. From that point on their lives become a confused quest for survival as they encounter things they cannot control.

If nothing else, “Sasquatch Sunset” is unfalteringly dedicated to its premise. It has more of a focus on feces than your average National Geographic doc, but Keough and Eisenberg dive in (big) foot first, delivering what will surely be the strangest, but most committed performances of their careers.

You will believe a Sasquatch can throw their poop. But will you care? Depends on your commitment to the premise. It is both poignant and repugnant, ridiculous and genuine. It will not be for everyone. The slow pacing and the sheer audacity of the idea will separate the movie’s friends from foes, but even skeptics will have to admit, making and releasing a Bigfoot movie this odd in 2024 is no small feat.