Posts Tagged ‘JUST FRIENDS’


Charm can over come many faults. A well-timed funny quip can get you out of a jam, and casting charming actors can save a predictable romantic comedy. The set up for Just Friends is pretty simple—a high school outcast made good returns home for the first time in a decade and rediscovers his high school crush. Of course there are complications—it wouldn’t be a romantic comedy without screwball obstacles that our hero must overcome—he’s no longer the small town sweetheart he was in school and he’s not alone. With him is his ex-girlfriend and prospective client Samantha James, a spoiled Hollywood brat part Ashlee Simpson at her angry-McDonalds-customer worst and part Paris Hilton.

The action progresses in a predictable manner but the movie really finds its spark in the performances of Canadian leading man Ryan Reynolds whose comedic timing and delivery really sells the jokes and Anna Faris as the spoiled sex symbol Sam. Faris does a magnified version of the air-headed pop star she played in Lost in Translation and steals every scene she’s in without taking away from the story.