The star and director of Through Black Spruce share why it was so important to share this story on “The Marilyn Denis Show.” Don McKellar and Tanaya Beatty opened up about this special film with Richard Crouse and Marilyn.
“The Zoomer”: Created by ZoomerMedia Founder and VisionTV Executive Producer Moses Znaimer for and about Canadians 45-plus years of age, theZoomer offers groundbreaking, intelligent, and hard-hitting discussion on how our growing demographic is changing Canada and the world culturally, socially, politically, economically. It’s the next step in his New Vision of Aging, that is, Moses’ crusade to alter the stereotype and shape the agenda when it comes to topics of greatest importance to Canadians as they age.
On this episode Richard and panel members Mary Walsh, “Cairo Time” director Ruba Nadda, Blue Rodeo musician Jim Cuddy, actress Wendy Crewson, author Joseph Boyden and hosts Conrad Black and Denise Donlan discuss zooms–that’s boomers with zip–in the movies.
Monday November 4, 2013 at 9 am Richard is on Vision’s Zoomer TV with hosts Conrad Black, Denise Donlan and guests Jim Cuddy, Wendy Crewson, filmmaker Ruba Nadda, Mary Walsh, author Joseph Boyden and more! Learn more here: