Posts Tagged ‘Identity: Your Passport to Success’

Stedman Graham comes to Extra Entertainment Extra Saturday Feb 15, 2014

IMG_20140213_104507Tune into “Extra Entertainment Extra” on NewsTalk 1010 on Saturday February 15, 2014 at 4:30 pm to hear Stedman Graham speak about his new book “Identity: Your Passport to Success.”


Features a foreword by John Maxwell and afterword from Steven R. Covey.

Have you ever thought about the connection between knowing who you are and success? Identity can serve as your greatest asset. Enduringly successful people know who they are, are clear about what matters to them, have established powerful identities, and create value in the world.

In this book, the process for discovering and understanding your identity is brought to life through Stedman Graham’s personal experiences and the stories of individuals who’ve resolved their questions of identity, building a life that matters to themselves and those around them.

Take control of who you are. Take control of your life. Achieve lasting success.

Now a Wall Street Journal bestseller!