Posts Tagged ‘Dane Clark’

SUZE: 3 ½ STARS. “great chemistry between Watkins and Gillespie.”

“Suze,” a new film featuring “Tiny Beautiful Things” star Michaela Watkins, and now playing in theatres, is an empty nest dramedy about a mother who takes an unusual path to combat the loneliness she feels when her daughter leaves town for university.

After discovering her husband cheating with their golf pro, Suze (Watkins) is once again confronted by abandonment when daughter Brooke (Sara Waisglass) announces she is moving to Montreal to attend McGill University. Although she is assured by a colleague that she’ll find time for herself in her daughter’s absence—“You’re finally free!”—she instead feels alone and adrift. “I am terrified of losing her,” she says.

And she’s not the only one.

Brooke’s heart-broken, Spicoli-wannabe ex-boyfriend Gage (Charles Gillespie), who plays guitar in a band called The Emotional Morons, falls to pieces and lands in the hospital. “It hurts in places I didn’t even know could hurt,” he says.

Gage’s father (Aaron Ashmore) isn’t available to help him recuperate, so Suze reluctantly allows him to stay with her for a couple weeks. “It’s kinda funny Suze,” Gage says, “how we both got left by the same person.”

Over time, they work through their heartbreak, finding strength in other’s company as they really get to know one another.

“Suze” is a never-judge-a-book-by-its-cover story, with a few laughs, some earned heartfelt moments and heaps of compassion. The daughter is a McGuffin, more a plot device to put the odd couple story in motion than anything else. The important and appealing part of the story is the relationship between Suze and Gage, everything else is set dressing.

There is a great chemistry between Watkins and Gillespie.

Suze moves from mistrustful to maternal as Gage’s innocent, natural charm becomes obvious, but Watkins avoids sentimentality in her approach to the burgeoning relationship. She has an edge, born of anger, experience and frustration that can be heartfelt, dramatic or comedic depending on the situation.

Gillespie brings the off-kilter energy of a guy who has been misunderstood his entire life. His performance is a winning mix of guilelessness and charisma, one that easily could have been a caricature but emerges fully formed.

What binds them both is their natural approach to kindness and compassion.

The key to “Suze’s” success is the way it presents a platonic relationship based on mutual respect and how they give one another a reason to embrace the battle scars that formed them, and move ahead toward happiness.

Celebrate The Shortest Day Short Film Celebration! December 19, 2013!

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 2.13.40 PMHelp celebrate the The Shortest Day Short Film Celebration on the shortest day of the year with some very cool bravoFACT short films! the cinematic celebration was created by the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image in France and now has more than 20 other countries participating. Top get in the mood enjoy these bravoFACT shorts curated by Richard!

Manifold: While a small-town sheriff investigates a mysterious multiple murder scene, a brilliant young software engineer is bizarrely linked to the crime–and to a much bigger conspiracy.

Director/Writer: Anthony Scott Burns
Composer: Makeup and Vanity Set
Actors: Stephen McHattie, Greg Calderone, Riel Paley, Owen Roth, Rafael Kalamat, Jesse Kavander
Producers: Johnny Hockin, Juniper Island Productions
Funder: bravoFACT

Issues: An aspiring young female photojournalist faces a crisis when she must choose between journalistic integrity or celebrity entertainment.

Director: Kent Nolan
Created By: Katherine Barrell, Kent Nolan
Writers: Kent Nolan, Clarke Logan
Composer: Colleen Dauncy
DOP: Mike McLaughlin
Editor: Jeremy Schaulin-Rioux
Actors: Katherine Barrell, Kristopher Turner, Ben Lewis, Leah Doz, Rick Roberts, Patrick McKenna, Shannon Kook
Producers: Tommy Lioutas, Katherine Barrell, Insomniac Productions
Funder: bravoFACT

Requiem for Romance: A young couple’s secret love affair comes to a bittersweet end during an evening phone call as cell phone static creates distance between them.

Writer/Director/Animator: Jonathan Ng
Composer: Vid Cousins, Kid Koala
Voice Actors: Meilie Ng, Shannon Kook-Chun
Musicians: Shen Qi, Madeleine Messier, Tim Halliday, David Payant
Producers: Jonathan Ng, Andrew Przybytkowski, Kungfu Romance Productions Inc.
Funders: bravoFACT, NFB, SODEC, Canada Council, Charles Street Video

I put a hit on you: A brokenhearted woman teams up with her ex-boyfriend to stop the hitman she hired to kill him.

Writers/Directors: Dane Clark, Linsey Stewart
Composer: Austra
DOP: James Klopko
Editor: Jonathan Eagan
Actors: Sara Canning, Aaron Ashmore
Producers: Jordan Gross, Mike MacMillan, Lithium Studios Production, Dark Hope Entertainment
Funder: bravoFACT

Slow Win: A commuter races to enter the closing doors of a departing subway train.

Writer/Director: William Allinson
DOP: James Klopko
Editor: Michael Pierro
Actors: Gabriel Dumas, Richard Hassan
Producer: James Vandewater, Castlewood Productions, Made By Other People
Funder: bravoFACT