Posts Tagged ‘Blue Miracle’

BLUE MIRACLE: 3 STARS. “feel good formula makes it feel like déjà vu.”

The story in “Blue Miracle,” an against-all-odds new movie now streaming on Netflix, seems too good to be true, but it is based on real events.

The story begins at Casa Hogar, a boy’s home in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Hit hard by Hurricane 0dile in 2014 and in desperate need of money, caretaker Omar (Jimmy Gonzales), with the orphaned boys he looks after in tow, enters Bisbee’s Black & Blue Tournament, a fishing competition with a huge cash prize. With no boat, or fishing experience, Omar teams with a crusty local Wade (Dennis Quaid), the captain of a charter fishing boat called the Knot Enough. Wade won the tournament in the past, and having fallen on bad times, reluctantly agrees to allow Omar and kids on board.

In an effort to not reveal any plot twists, I’ll stop here. Just know that there aren’t really any plot twists and “Blue Miracle” plays out pretty much the way you think it is going to, which is heavy on the heartstring tugging with a dollop of family-friendly conflict.

What it lacks in surprises, it makes up for in inspirational messaging. From the title on down—the word “miracle” gives away the game—the movie threatens to be washed away on a tidal wave of good feelings. And that’s OK. “Blue Miracle’s” motives are pure. It wants to raise awareness for Casa Hogar, which is still there but not benefitting financially from this film, and provide a ninety-minutes of entertainment for the whole family.

Edgy, it is not, although Quaid’s take on Wade is crispier than a freshly fried piece of cod. He’s the stereotypical cantankerous old guy with a heart of gold you often find in movies like this and while Quaid doesn’t reinvent the grumpy Gus character, he at least seems to be enjoying being on the water in the sunshine.

“Blue Miracle” is a new story but its insistence on sticking to a feel good formula makes it feel like déjà vu.