Posts Tagged ‘Ringtails’

ISLAND OF THE LEMURS: MADAGASCAR: 4 STARS. “personal look at lemurs.”

“I’m happiest when I’m alone in the forest with the lemurs.”

Those are the words of Dr. Patricia Wright, scientist and trainer of Madagascarian and western lemur lovers. She has dedicated her life to ensuring that the lemurs of the remote country will have a habitat for years to come.

By the end of “Island of Lemurs: Madagascar’s” scant 45 minute running time, you may find yourself also wanting to spend some time with the leapin’ lemurs.

Shot on location with IMAX 3D cameras, and narrated by (who else?) Morgan Freeman, the documentary begins with the story of how castaway lemurs populated the island, evolved into hundreds of species—like the “dancing” Sifaka “I like to move it, move it” lemurs and the more common Ringtails—but are now endangered by the encroachment of humans.

Working out of a jungle compound, Dr. Wright and her team toil to create an environment where the odd bug-eyed creatures can thrive. She even plays lemur yentl with some endangered species, creating a love connection between a male and female that may save a genus.

Like the Disney “World” documentaries, “Island of Lemurs: Madagascar” provides an up close and personal look at its subject.  The photography by David Douglas provides a beautiful glimpse of these animals in their natural surroundings.

“Island of Lemurs: Madagascar” is a slight—clocking in at just 45 minutes—but intriguing look at these creatures. For once the 3D is worth the extra ding at the box office and the sheer size of the IMAX screen puts the viewer brings the story and the animals to vivid life.