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Screenwriter and director Chris Donaldson is Raising Hell!

tumblr_mi6c3q7EfP1rh7fyyo1_500Screenwriter and director Chris Donaldson is Raising Hell!

“I just wanted to drop you a quick message and tell you how much I adore your ‘Devils’ book. I finished it and thought ‘damn’ it’s done. I want more— No, I NEED more! Now you have to write an entire series like this on other great and powerful films. I am hooked. A book a month for the rest of your, no… My life.

Could you make that happen?

Joking aside, it was a wonderful read and I am pushing it on all my film friends.”

– Chris Donaldson, screenwriter of a sequel to ‘Judge Dredd’, ‘Bloodrayne 2’, ‘Act Of War’ and ‘Preacher’

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